
Tenant Partner Spotlight: Nauti-Tech, Inc.

“Anything with a wire connected” – That’s Nauti-Tech’s specialty and what we do every day. Our ability to understand the most complex hardware/software systems is second to none. We are a solid team of well rounded electrical, electronics, software engineers and administrative executives working for over 20 years towards our ultimate goals:  innovation and customer satisfaction. Nauti-Tech is also the designer and manufacturer of electronic products for the yachting industry such as the YQ100 SmartY and the automatic isolation/boost transformer both distributed by Hubbell.

Nauti-Tech’s service and installation departments moved to LMC mid 2017 allowing for the expansion of the R&D and electronic lab departments at our Andrews Ave facility.

As a service company we are mobile, tri-county or world-wide, but we invite our customers with larger repairs to LMC as we did recently with:

Annamia, 140′ Baglietto:  At arrival from Europe, shore power hook up & Glendinning cable master was installed. We updated the navigation system and added a MiniC. Just before the owner’s vacation, the fresh water system stopped working, and we had to design a replacement from locally sourced analog pressure sensor and PLC, programmed to keep the pressure stable by staging pumps and adjusting speeds dynamically. Later we repaired the automatic doors, monitoring and control system, seamless transfer, DMX lighting and wireless network. We also installed a new camera system,  a cellular modem, TVs and audio systems, electrical upgrades and switchboard repairs. The 100Kva frequency converter failed just a month before the owner’s second trip but we were able to get a new one installed in time.

Victory, 72′ Mangusta: Complete electronics refit, New E-Plex Monitoring & Control, Simrad Navigation, A/V, Kymeta Vsat antenna, Electrical, Security, Lighting and more.

Antelope, 141′ Leopard: updates to Navigation, A/V, Kymeta Vsat antenna, Electrical, Custom TV lift fabrication and A/V automation among other projects.


LMC welcomes Benetti America

Lauderdale Marine Center is pleased to welcome Benetti Americas to its list of world-class on-site tenant partners. Benetti Americas has signed a multi-year lease for office space at the 65-acre Lauderdale Marine Center. In addition to taking space at the facility, LMC has become a Benetti Service Partner. Benetti will use the facility for its service operations and after-market sales team.

“In choosing Lauderdale Marine Center as its regional service facility, Benetti is recognizing the competitive benefits our facility has to offer – from its sheer size and ability to haul boats up to 485 tons, to our Foreign Trade Zone which will allow Benetti to import boats to our facility duty free,” says Doug West, President, Lauderdale Marine Center.

Benetti Americas joins several other notable organizations who have signed leases with Lauderdale Marine Center in the past year including Pinmar USA, Ferretti Group and Northrop & Johnson.

LMC Opens New Crew Fitness Center

LMC is happy to announce the opening of our new Crew Fitness Center. The long-awaited amenity is located in the 2015 building just across the hall from the Crew Lounge. The Fitness Center is accessible to crew from 6am until 10pm daily.

M/Y Cheers 46 ‘showing’ at LMC

While two boat shows and hundreds of yachts are on display in and around Miami Beach this weekend, one charter yacht that has been a staple at recent shows is docked in Fort Lauderdale, still available for show and sale.

M/Y Cheers 46, a 140-foot Benetti, couldn’t qualify for a boat show bond to attend the Miami Yacht Show this year because of a timing discrepancy, so Capt. Kelly Esser decided to take advantage of a foreign trade zone slip at Lauderdale Marine Center. That slip enables the foreign-flagged yacht to be shown to anyone — including Americans — for sale or charter. A sale could even happen on site (though not on the aft deck for technical reasons), eliminating the need to head into international waters.

“This just gave us the benefit of being available for the show,” Capt. Esser said, “as well as being able to get ready for multiple trailers back to back.”

The yacht paid for a month of dockage — dockage it was paying anyway to prep for its upcoming charter season — as well as a foreign trade zone bond, which works out to a few thousand dollars for a $15 million boat.

Cheers 46 will leave South Florida next week for a charter in the Bahamas, and being in Fort Lauderdale instead of the boat show enabled the crew to continue provisioning and prepping for the journey, making the upcoming charter a bit less stressful, Capt. Esser said.

Content originally posted by The Triton:

Partner Spotlight: DYT

DYT Yacht Transport, formerly known as Dockwise Yacht Transport, is considered the pioneer in yacht transport since 1987. Using semi-submersible vessels to ensure the safest method of loading and unloading and never having to crane the yacht onto the deck.

This unique feature (we sink our vessels on purpose) in combination with a dedicated scheduled service throughout the year to cruising grounds in the most desired areas, has been key to the success of our services.

Reliability of schedule and as owners and operators of our own vessels, we are able to maintain a schedule far in advance, catering to meet with the various event dates of the most popular yachting venues. Whether you need to catch a Boatshow, Cannes Film Festival of Monaco Grand Prix, we are your reliable choice.

We pride ourselves in personalized service and guide you throughout the process of booking, transport to a safe discharge in your destination of choice. Our team members are well trained in all aspects of the shipping process and can answer any question you may have.

It is our true pleasure to team up with local industry leaders such as LMC, supporting community and most of all awareness of the many aspects of yachting services offered by reputable companies in South Florida.

DYT team members look forward mingling on February 22 at the grand LMC location.

If you like to learn more, please check our website or call our office at 954 525 8707

Tenant Partner Spotlight: Engineered Yacht Solutions

At Lauderdale Marine Center, we place an emphasis on making sure the tenants we have on-site are the best in the business, consistently performing above standard for our shared customers. The fall is the busiest time of year for everyone at LMC, and on-site tenant Engineered Yacht Solutions was no exception. EYS specializes in welding, fabrication, pipe fitting, and plumbing and has been involved in some of the shipyard’s largest projects. EYS has been at LMC since 2015 and continues to prove their excellence time and time again.

In early November, EYS was working on two large projects that had their team fully occupied.  Bad Company, a 150’ Trinity had been in the yard for close to 18 months for major overhauls that included the replacement of 300 square feet of hull plate, the removal and reinstallation of main engines, generators, gyro stabilizers, gear boxes, and fire main. The vessel was also being fitted with custom stainless-steel rod holders and brand-new aluminum sea chest standpipes and crossover piping. Additionally, the team was working through a rush project on Helios II, a 167’ Palmer Johnson. Helios II is a Lloyd’s Register vessel that required a strut bearing cover replacement using materials that could only be ordered from a Lloyd’s certified vendor in New Orleans. Since having the parts delivered in the short timeframe was not a feasible option, the in-house engineer from EYS personally flew to New Orleans to retrieve the material. He designed a blueprint for the part, got it approved by Lloyd’s, and it was built and installed in-house.

With both projects in the works, another vessel came into the picture with a seemingly impossible deadline. My Seanna, a 185’ Delta, had been at LMC since early October for her 15-year survey. A heavily chartered vessel, her repairs and maintenance were scheduled to be completed so that the vessel could travel to Antigua for the start of her charter season. Upon starting the planned maintenance, additional issues arose turning the routine job into a major project with a strict deadline. Given normal circumstances, the work required on My Seanna would take at least 30 days, but EYS was given just 15 days to complete the work before the vessel needed to depart for the Antigua Charter Show. The EYS team burst into action replacing around 100 square feet of hull plate, the majority of an integral storage tank, both main exhaust trunks, and the sea chest standpipes and crossover pipe, all the while completing work on Bad Company and Helios II.

Although the plan seemed unrealistic at first, each passing day proved more and more that team at EYS had the skills to make it happen. They worked weekends and around the clock to complete all the required work, with full cooperation from the Captain and crew of My Seanna and Lauderdale Marine Center which allowed them 24/7 access to the vessel. The work was successfully completed by November 21st, one day ahead of the proposed deadline. Bad Company and My Seanna left in the same week ­– on schedule, and looking and running their absolute best.

“We believe that we have the best workforce in the industry, and it’s projects like this that really solidify that belief,” says EYS’s president Thomas McGowan, “Our guys knew what was expected of them and how crazy it was going to be, but they jumped on-board with the plan and executed it perfectly.”

LMC - Constantly Evolving

The previous 12 months have been incredibly eventful for us at LMC with many changes and upgrades to our facility. We’re proud of the work we’ve done to better serve our yachting community, and are excited for all of the continued upgrades that 2018 will bring.

In 2017 we made the following upgrades to better serve our customers:

  • New Lifts – The new river is now home to two new bright green boat lifts. In August, we introduced the yachting community to Brutus and The Beast. The brightly colored duo were assembled by the yard over the summer. Brutus, the smaller of the pair, has 220 tons of lifting capacity and can service boats up to 120′ LOA with 30′ beams. The larger lift, aptly named The Beast, has 485 tons of lifting capacity for boats up to 185′ LOA and 34.5′ beam. The shocking green paint scheme and graphics has made the pair uniquely recognizable.
  • Opening of Riverbend at LMCRiverbend at LMC is the newest addition to the LMC property and is now Fort Lauderdale’s newest and cleanest boat yard for vessels up to 80′ LOA. The newly renovated facility opened in October 2017 and features fresh concrete, new floating docks, and power upgrades. It features a 75 ton lift, and is perfect for use by the local boating community, or for the tenders to the larger vessels in the yard.
  • Reconfiguration of West Yard – We have reconfigured and re-powered the entire west working yard at LMC, and we now have an additional 17 spaces on the hard for vessels up to 120′ LOA.
  • Opening of the US’s first Marine Foreign Trade Zone – The FTZ at Lauderdale Marine Center offers great benefit to brokers and builders alike. For brokers, the designation allows foreign flagged vessels to be shown and demonstrated to US Citizens year round without the need for a boat show bond. For builders, foreign built vessels can be imported into the FTZ without the need to pay the standard 1.5% import tax, and they can be shown for sale to US Citizens year round.
  • Welcomed World Class New Tenants to LMC – Welcome to the following tenants who now call LMC home:

But why stop there? We have some exciting projects upcoming in 2018

  • Crew Gym – Construction is already well underway for our new Crew Gym. The gym will be accessible to all crew members, and features a wide array of equipment for use. We expect to have this project completed by February.
  • Dredging – We’ll begin dredging our marina in January, and when this project is completed by fall of 2018, we will have 12′ of depth throughout our entire facility.
  • West Dock Reconfiguration – While we’re at it with dredging, we will be reconfiguring our west dockage area. The area will transform into a marina for vessels from 80′ – 200′ LOA. The reconfiguration will include the installation of brand new floating docks and power upgrades throughout the marina.

2018 is sure to be another great year at LMC . Give us a visit – we look forward to seeing all of our “regulars” and meeting new friends in 2018.

What Vessel Owners and Operators Need to Know

Marine Industries Association of South Florida

“Cruising Cuba – U.S. Compliance and Regulation”

On Tuesday, March 29, Lauderdale Marine Center and the Marine Industries Association of South Florida (MIASF) hosted yacht captains and marine industry guests for a panel discussion entitled “Cruising Cuba – U.S. Compliance and Regulation.”

The engaging conversation was followed by an audience Q&A session with panelists CDR Bradley Clare, USCG Prevention Department Head, Sector Miami; Michael Moore, senior partner Moore & Co. – E3 Cuba Experience; and representatives from Stonegate Bank, the first U.S. bank with a correspondent relationship with Cuba’s central bank.

Below is a recap of the discussion, outlining steps that need to be taken before traveling to Cuba:

Government Offices

Vessel operators and owners traveling to Cuba must contact these U.S. government agencies for permitting and licenses:

  1. S Department of Treasury Office of Foreign Asset Control
  2. S. Coast Guard/ Homeland Security
  3. S. Customs & Border Control
  4. S. Department of Commerce

Regulations and Exemptions

In order to determine if an exemption applies, the U.S, Department of Homeland Security offers this questionnaire for foreign-flagged yachts.

For questions regarding newly implemented regulations, contact the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC). OFAC regulations include recordkeeping and reporting requirements for authorized travelers.

Verify the status of licenses issued by OFAC under Cuban Asset Control Regulations prior to Sep. 21, 2015.

More information can be found here: U.S. Department of the Treasury Frequently Asked Questions.

On September 28, 2015, the Department of Treasury and the Department of Commerce announced additional revisions to the Cuban Assets Control Regulations and Export Administration Regulations, further easing regulations on commerce and travel between the U.S. and Cuba. These revisions can be found here and here.

The Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Asset Control’s travel restrictions to Cuba remain in effect and regulations regarding “Unauthorized Entry into Cuban Territorial Waters” still apply.

Security and Reporting

The Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002  mandated that the U.S. Coast Guard evaluate the effectiveness of anti-terrorism measures in foreign ports and provides for the imposition of conditions of entry on vessels arriving to the United States from countries that do not maintain effective anti-terrorism measures.

The Coast Guard has determined that the Republic of Cuba now maintains effective anti-terrorism measures in its ports. Cuba has been removed from the list of countries affected by this advisory. Vessel owners and operators may or may not be examined upon arrival in U.S. waters. At a minimum, vessels planning transits to Cuban territorial waters should be familiar with the following two requirements:

  1. Under Title 33 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 107, vessels less that 100m (328’) must obtain a permit from the Coast Guard for each voyage that includes entering Cuban territorial waters.
  2. Under Title 33 CFR part 160, Advanced Notice of Arrival (ANOA) requirements apply to foreign and U.S. vessels less than 300 G.T. in commercial service arriving from a foreign port.

Owners/operators are ultimately responsible for maintaining vessel security and ensuring that no unauthorized persons or goods are brought into the United States. Vessel owners and operators carrying passengers must also be familiar with applicable Coast Guard regulations regarding licensing, examination and certification requirements.

Security Requirement for Recreational Vessels:

  • At a minimum, owner/operators of each vessel that enters a Cuban port must conduct a full search of the vessel before departure back into U.S. waters.

Reporting Requirements for Recreational Vessels:

  • Owner/operators arriving from Cuba should notify the Coast Guard of the vessel’s arrival 24 hours prior to entry by email (preferred), phone 305-535-4472, or by marine band VHF.
  • Report all security actions taken to the local U.S. Coast Guard Captain of the Port responsible for the port of arrival PRIOR to the vessel’s arrival in U.S. waters.

Security/Reporting Requirements for Commercial Vessels:

  • If you own or operate a passenger vessel that is required to comply with the MTSA or International Ship and Port Facility Code and are required to obtain a permit from the Coast Guard under 33 CFR Part 107, you must follow the security measures outlined in Coast Guard Port Security Advisory 3-15. The advisory can be found here.

March 2017 Press Release

Lauderdale Marine Center is pleased to announce the appointment of Greg Nechay as Manager to our new Bottom Coating Division.  Nechay has over 27 years of experience in the Marine Industry, most recently as Business Development Manager at American Custom Yachts.

In his new role, Nechay will have full responsibility for the operations of the division including pricing, customer service and quality control.  Mr. Nechay will leverage his relationships with Pettit, Interlux, SeaHawk and others to ensure the best possible product for the best value.

“Since the launch of our bottom paint offering in 2016, we have experienced significant demand and we are ready to take this division to the next level.  We are confident that with Greg’s knowledge and focus on the customer experience, we will build a world class antifouling department in a short period of time” says Doug West, President.

The addition of Mr. Nechay further quantifies LMC’s commitment to the growth of the company.  Other recent appointments include George Whitehouse as Director of Business Development, Amie Nappi as Contractor Relations Manager and Staci Love and Marketing Manager.

America’s First Marine Foreign Trade Zone Opens at Lauderdale Marine Center

Secure U.S. Customs and Border Protection area offers numerous benefits for yachting business


FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (June 9, 2017) Lauderdale Marine Center is pleased to announce the opening of the Americas’ first marine Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) at its facilities in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Designation was received on June 7. Lauderdale Marine Center has slips available in the FTZ immediately with plans to expand as demand for space rises.

“Gaining designation as a marine Foreign Trade Zone makes sense for LMC as a world class facility catering to foreign vessels and crew. It will allow us to establish mutually beneficial business relationships with builders, brokers, and yacht management,” said Doug West, president of LMC. “We are excited to finally have established our designation, as this has been a culmination of efforts from the MIASF, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Immigration, industry experts and our internal team.”

The marine Foreign Trade Zone at Lauderdale Marine Center offers numerous benefits to the South Florida yachting industry.

Foreign-made new-builds can be brought into the FTZ without the need to pay the typical 1.5- percent import duty. These new builds can also be shown to prospective buyers from the FTZ.  Brokers benefit from the FTZ by now having a place to locally and legally show foreign-flagged vessels to U.S. buyers.  All boats in the FTZ can be shown for sale and demonstrated including sea trials.  Selling or showing foreign-flagged vessels to U.S. residents while in U.S. waters is not allowed outside of an FTZ due to regulations under the current cursing license policy.

Vessels can come and go as needed from the FTZ to accommodate owner trips or charters.

Additionally, new builds that have been brought into the U.S. within the past three years can use the FTZ to file for a refund on previously paid duties.

Major refit projects can also benefit from the FTZ. All parts imported can defer duties while the yacht is in the Zone.  Once the project is complete, the vessel may depart the U.S. without being required to pay duties or taxes.

The marine FTZ at Lauderdale Marine Center is expected to encourage business within the South Florida yachting industry with more brokers and builders keeping their inventory in the area.

About Lauderdale Marine Center

Located in Fort Lauderdale on the New River, visible from I-95 and close to Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport, LMC is a 65-acre facility consisting of a boatyard, marina and marine service center providing a complete offering of marine-related repair and services.  Featuring 10,000 linear feet of dockage, it accommodates boats up to 200 feet with 22 covered sheds and 130 wet slips. The facility also has three marine travel lifts with haul-out capacity up to 300 tons with plans to increase to 500 tons by Fall 2017.  LMC’s business model includes leasing work space and commercial office space to approximately 60 on-site contractors providing various marine-related services such as fiberglass repair, electrical, painting, engine service, hydraulics, navigation and electronics, carpentry, mechanical, metal fabrication and welding.

For more information on Lauderdale Marine Center, please visit Like LMC on Facebook at /lauderdalemarinecenter, follow LMC on Twitter @lmcboatyard and on Instagram @lauderdalemarinecenter and subscribe to the LMC YouTube channel,